F1 Connect blog
Affordable IT and Internet Solutions
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Enhance your business’ communication with Yeastar’s new P-series PBX system
Excellent communication with customers is at the core of any businesses. Therefore, it is essential to invest in a communication system that offers superior capabilities, added flexibility, advanced features, and more convenience to boost customer...
All About Azure Active Directory Domain Services
What is Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)? Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) presents as a solution to managing domain services like group policies and domain join. These domain services can be used...
Azure Active Directory: What You Need to Know
Azure Active Directory offers employees in various organisations the ability to perform tasks optimally, with access to services such as databases and Azure container services for assigning usernames and passwords. Following the popular trend, Azure AD...
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Business
Microsoft Dynamics 365 comes as a welcome blessing if you’re a business owner looking to get their hands on valuable Business Intelligence (BI) for resource planning purposes. MS Dynamics falls within the top 1% of...
Microsoft Outlook for Business
Microsoft Outlook is a popular choice as an email application for businesses. Widely utilised across the globe, it offers a user-friendly experience for professional correspondence, while being directly linked to your calendar. We discuss the benefits...
Microsoft Active Directory (AD) for Network Security
Microsoft Active Directory, also known as Microsoft AD, is one of the most utilised and fundamental software tools known to man. There aren’t many organisations out there that can outwardly say they have never made use of it at some...
All About the Kaspersky Antivirus Software
The Kaspersky antivirus software is considered to be one of the best anti-malware and –virus software on the block. Developed by the Kaspersky Lab, a multi-national antivirus and cybersecurity provider based in Russia, this software is the perfect option for computers...
Firewall by Untangle: What You Need to Know
Network security that utilises a firewall is of the utmost importance in today’s day and age. However, it tends to be costly and, for some, extremely complex. What if we told you there was a software platform that incorporates every aspect of...
Information Security (InfoSec): Part Two
Our previous blog in this series looked at the definition of InfoSec and highlighted a few of its important roles. Welcome to part two of the series, where we explore the relevance of InfoSec in more depth. So, Why is InfoSec so Important? If we...
Remote Working: What I.T. Support Do I Need?
With so many businesses having to adapt to remote working during this time, I.T. support is a huge must. Many organisations have adopted new digital strategies in order to accommodate for risk management processes in order to keep their businesses...